Once again we've brought in a new exotic for hunters in search of a unique trophy. Allow us to introduce the Jacob sheep. We'll soon have the Jacob sheep available for hunts, so let's take a look at this very beautiful and desirable exotic.


About the Jacob sheep


The Jacob sheep has a lore that dates very far back into the Middle East. In fact, in the Bible we read of Jacob breeding spotted sheep. Much more recently, according to Bear Creek Farm, "it is well documented that Jacob sheep existed in England about 400 years ago.”


Though it's often referred to as a four horned sheep, this animal can have between two and six horns.


Typically, however, Jacob sheep have four horns. Jason sheep have made it through the years with very little selective breeding by humans. While well known for their horns, they’re also typically spotted. Their body resembles that of a goat more than many other modern sheep.


The most common hunter's use for the Jacob sheep is to turn it into a shoulder mount. Its four horns make it a very unique trophy and certainly a tremendous addition to your den.


Call Hog Wild to schedule a Jacob sheep hunt today


If you're looking for a beautiful trophy, we invite you to schedule a four horned sheep hunt in Oklahoma today at Hog Wild.Call 405-HOG-WILD or book online.

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