If you make a regular habit of keeping up with this blog, you already know that there are an estimated 600,000 to 1.5 million wild hogs in the state of Oklahoma. You also know that there is no hog season and that they are huntable all year ‘round. What’s more, you know that what we do is facilitate fun and stellar hunting experiences for all types of folks at any age. But what is it that makes us special and worth trusting with your business, and moreover, with your hunt?
The answer, quite simply, is that not only do we care immensely about making our guests feel welcome and like they are having a unique and valuable hunting experience, we also value the community of nearby Oklahoma City. As Oklahoma’s premier high-fence hunting reserve, we want to produce beautiful lifetime memories for our guests, and have an impact on the place that we call home.
Oklahoma boasts some of the richest farming soil in the continental United States, and what we do at HogWild supports the protection and yield of the land it sits on. Remember that magnificent number of hogs in OK that we mentioned? Sure, it makes for a great hunt...but not everyone knows that these hogs can (and frequently do) destroy fences, irrigation systems, and crops. As prolific breeders, hog populations frequently get out of control and cause damage in the excess of one million dollars.
The work that HogWild does in populating our ranch with hogs for our hunts is in equal parts dedicated to fostering an amazing experience for the guests of our lodge and ranch, and to the preservation of the farming business and land in our vibrant and special community. Seriously, if you’re from out of state, you don’t have to talk to that many people to learn how passionate many of us are about the State of Oklahoma. It means just as much to as at HogWild.
As if that weren’t enough, you can always consult with the Better Business Bureau who’ve awarded us with an A+ rating since we were accredited last year!
We also encourage you to give our Testimonials page a read (https://www.hogwildok.com/testimonials.html) -- when you’re done with that, you might want to give us a call so we can tell you more about what it is that we do. Just dial 405-HOG-WILD to book your hunt today!